Brittany Gaudette


Brittany joined Sachetta in 2021 as an intern, where she has worked mainly on the accounting and taxation side of our company. Brittany received her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Endicott College.

Brittany grew up and still resides in Peabody, MA. In her spare time, Brittany enjoys dancing, going to the gym, baking, and spending time with family, friends and her two dogs.


3 Questions with Brittany

"What’s your favorite thing about working at the firm?"

My favorite thing about working at the firm is the close-knit environment, which allows everyone to get to know each other. I really enjoy being a part of this close environment and making connections, learning, and growing as a person while starting my career post-graduation.

"How did you end up in the field?"

I have always liked working with numbers (growing up math class was always my favorite) and my mom always told me I had a good business head, so I thought a career in accounting would be a good fit for me.

"If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would you choose?"

 I would choose Derek Hough. Derek Hough is a professional dancer/performer, who is known for his career on Dancing with the Stars. I have looked up to him for years and would love to pick his brain about dancing, performing and just learn more about his training and career.

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