Jeffrey Aron

As Senior Wealth Manager, Jeffrey R. Aron, CFP®, MSFP manages all aspects of Financial Planning and client services, including the preparation of comprehensive financial plans (retirement, education, cash flow, etc.), insurance and asset allocation recommendations, advanced estate planning strategies and of course, plan implementation.

3 min read

Financial Planning for Couples

People committed to one another can work through minor disagreements over things like where to vacation, but financial conflicts can end relationships if both partners can't agree. That's another reason whycomprehensive financial planningis a...

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4 min read

Five Questions for Legacy Planning with Strategic Investments

What's the most high-impact way you could use your wealth to help the people and things you love...

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A grandmother, young grandaughter and mother bake together at a large butcher block table. Gifting stocks can benefit both the giver and the recipient.

4 min read

Gifting Stocks: A Tax-Advantaged Way to Spread the Wealth?

Gifting stocks can be a tax-advantaged strategy for offloading appreciated stocks, as well as a...

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A family laughing and playing soccer in their yard getting sprayed with a hose. Gifting stocks

4 min read

What Gifting Stocks Can Mean for Your Tax & Estate Plans

There are many scenarios in which it may make sense to give away assets (stocks, bonds, mutual...

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5 min read

How Education Savings Accounts Work (When Funds Aren’t Used)

One of the fun things about having young kids in your life is getting to hear about future plans...

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3 min read

The Risks and Opportunities of Employee Stock Options

Sometimes employee stock options are lucrative enough to finance early retirement. Other times,...

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3 min read

Factoring a Child with Disabilities Into Financial Plans

With more than 4 percent of American children having a disability, millions of parents find...

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