Stephen Ahern

Stephen P. Ahern, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AEP®, MST provides individual financial, investment, estate and tax planning and small business consulting to a diverse base of clients including key top-level executives, high-net-worth individuals, business owners, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs. Stephen co-founded and served as President of Wealth Management Advisors, LLC for twenty-one years before joining the Sachetta team.

4 min read

Why You Should Use a Travel Advisor and Planner for Your Travel

Introduction You have worked hard for many years. Maybe your career was life encompassing and you are now retired. Maybe your children are grown and now more independent from you. Now the daily (or hourly) demands on you and your time have...

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Young couple traveling with a map in the city. Choosing the right investment strategy provides peace of mind.

3 min read

Passive vs. Active Investment Strategies: Choosing The Right Mix of Activities

Considering passive and active investment strategies is part of building a portfolio you feel...

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Child with mother listening to a shell at beach. Value investing. Practicing picking stocks

3 min read

Value Investing: Principles and Practices for Long-Term Success

"What gives you opportunities is other people doing dumb things." That's how Warren Buffett, a...

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A woman in profile looks out at the ocean during sunset. Getting divorced requires you to revisit financial and insurance plans

4 min read

How Divorce Changes Your Financial Plans

For better or worse, divorce forces you to make a fresh start. Getting divorced requires you to...

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A dad teaches his young child to ride a bike.  She is smiling!  Investment vs. speculation

3 min read

Investment vs. Speculation: Understanding Key Differences and Strategies

Learning to invest is much like learning a new language. A lot of people understand enough about...

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A woman sits at her computer and considers navigating complex estate planning.

4 min read

Navigating Complex Estate Planning Questions and Choices

You’re making decisions about family, money and your own unpredictable future—so it’s hardly...

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A retired couple cooking healthy food and talking about a bottle of red wine. Tax-efficient retirement.

3 min read

Tax Planning Strategies for a Tax-Efficient Retirement

Retirement should be one of the least stressful periods of your life. You deserve to enjoy those...

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Guests throw confetti over the bride and groom as they walk past after their wedding ceremony. Joyful young couple celebrating their wedding day and embarking on their estate planning and marriage journey.

3 min read

Estate Planning and Marriage: Considerations for Couples

People often wonder how they should approach estate planning when they’re married. Should both...

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A father helps his son tie his shoe and considers estate planning and children.

3 min read

Estate Planning and Children: What Parents/Guardians Can Do

Estate planning and children go hand-in-hand. The birth of their first child is often the event...

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Youthful Black woman reviews essential estate planning documents.

3 min read

Essential Estate Planning Documents That Most People Need

What would happen if you were in a terrible accident today and landed in the hospital, seriously...

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