Michael Callahan

Michael J Callahan, CPA, CFP®, MST has been involved in personal financial planning, as well as both business and individual taxation for more than 15 years. Our ideas about money are formed by our life experiences. Over the years, Mike has seen those close to him make common money mistakes from not having enough life insurance, to not doing the proper estate planning. When he received an inheritance in college and started looking into how he could use it to achieve his goals, he realized that he could use those experiences to help others. He changed his major to Finance, and the rest is history.

4 min read

How Are Someone’s Social Security Benefits Determined?

Can you count on at least $3,000 a month, or should you be planning on a monthly retirement benefit that’s closer to $2,000? What about your spouse’s benefit?

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4 min read

When Is the Best Time To Claim Social Security Benefits?

“When should I claim Social Security?” is one of the top retirement planning questions that clients...

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4 min read

Preparing for Social Security: What You Need to Know Now

About 180 million American workers are covered by Social Security, and an estimated 65 million...

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3 min read

Social Security and Taxes: What Taxpayers Should Know Today

Opening your first paycheck and being dismayed by the amount is a rite of passage for young...

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4 min read

What You Need to Know Cryptocurrency (and Taxes) Before Investing

If you could time-travel back to mid-2011 and buy 100 bitcoin for about $1 apiece, your investment...

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3 min read

Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) vs. Non-Qualified Stock Options (NSOs): Understanding Employee Stock Options

When you’re new to employee stock options, there’s a lot of — sometimes confusing — information to...

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3 min read

Why You’re Better off Working With a Financial Planner Than Investing Alone

Now that there’s an app for everything, you can change your investment portfolio in about as much...

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4 min read

Why Estate Tax Planning Needs to be Part of the Plan

You’ve created a solid financial roadmap, you’re saving for retirement and you’ve prepared all your...

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3 min read

Stock Option Terms You Need To Know

One of the reasons that employee stock options can seem intimidating at first is that you may not...

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3 min read

What You Need to Know About Stock Options and Taxes

Stock options can be a highly profitable part of your portfolio. As long as you stay with your...

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