Michael Callahan

Michael J Callahan, CPA, CFP®, MST has been involved in personal financial planning, as well as both business and individual taxation for more than 15 years. Our ideas about money are formed by our life experiences. Over the years, Mike has seen those close to him make common money mistakes from not having enough life insurance, to not doing the proper estate planning. When he received an inheritance in college and started looking into how he could use it to achieve his goals, he realized that he could use those experiences to help others. He changed his major to Finance, and the rest is history.

3 min read

The Impact of Economic Trends on Investment Opportunities

A sound investment strategy should be flexible because the economy is constantly in flux. Economic trends can negatively impact the value of an investment that seemed like a safe choice a few years ago or send the value of a risky investment...

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6 min read

Choosing a Bar Mitzvah Gift Amount and Other Money Questions from Young People

Are you headed to a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah and wondering about the appropriate bar mitzvah gift...

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A mother and father smile and walk behind a young child learning to ride a bicycle. Families, business and individuals may benefit from the 2024 Massachusetts tax relief law.

1 min read

Meaningful Massachusetts Tax Relief in 2024

The recently passed tax relief and reform package in Massachusetts is worth $1 billion and is...

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An HSA, or healthcare savings account, can be a valuable tool to grow wealth and afford medical care in retirement.

4 min read

Are You Taking Full Advantage of an HSA as a Retirement Saving Tool?

Health savings accounts are prized by many for their short-term benefits. HSA contributions are...

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4 min read

5 Reasons Tax Planning is Integral to Investment Planning

Taxes and investing are inextricably tied, so tax planning and investment planning should also go...

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4 min read

Types of Distributions to Make Before the End of the Year

As we move into the final quarter of the calendar year, financial planners are fielding all kinds...

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4 min read

Do I Need That? Insurance Answers for Young Professionals

An open road of possibilities stretches out in front of today’s young professionals. It’s exciting...

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4 min read

The Impact of Aging Parents on Your Retirement Planning

Comprehensive estate planning and retirement planning can help you plan for any number of...

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3 min read

Social Security and Marital Status: How it Affects Benefits

Whether you’re currently married, divorced or widowed, your marital status may affect your Social...

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3 min read

What is My Full Retirement Age for Social Security Benefits? 

Full retirement age doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with when you stop working. Many people...

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