

3 min read

Retirement Planning vs. Financial Planning: How They are Different, How They Work Together

There’s some understandable confusion about the difference between retirement planning and financial planning. Sometimes people might use these phrases interchangeably, not realizing that they have distinct meanings. After all, doesn’t a financial...

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3 min read

Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) vs. Non-Qualified Stock Options (NSOs): Understanding Employee Stock Options

When you’re new to employee stock options, there’s a lot of — sometimes confusing — information to...

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4 min read

Starting a New Business? Choosing an Entity Structure (And Other Incorporation Considerations)

Are you picturing running a modest one-person operation, or planning to build a business empire...

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3 min read

Why You’re Better off Working With a Financial Planner Than Investing Alone

Now that there’s an app for everything, you can change your investment portfolio in about as much...

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3 min read

How to Think About Employee Stock Options as Part of Your Financial Future

Many people don’t know quite how employee stock options fit in with their larger financial goals....

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2 min read

Making Waves to Fight Cancer – Why I Swim

Sachetta, LLC was proud to sponsor Swim Across America Open Water Swim on August 14, 2021. Since...

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4 min read

Why Estate Tax Planning Needs to be Part of the Plan

You’ve created a solid financial roadmap, you’re saving for retirement and you’ve prepared all your...

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3 min read

Your CPA Provides Benefits Beyond Tax Preparation Services

If you only see your CPA in the spring, it’s time to rethink your approach to managing your taxes....

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3 min read

Benefits of Having Your Small Business Accountant Handle Your Individual Taxes

It’s hardly surprising that big-box stores are among the most profitable retailers in the United...

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3 min read

Setting Financial Business Goals for Your Business to Help Support Your Personal Ones

Small business owners never really get a break from thinking about money. Between monitoring the...

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