

4 min read

The Role of Investment Real Estate in Your Financial Plan

Buying real estate is always a little daunting even when you’re excited about the property. Whether you’re buying your first house or your tenth piece of investment real estate, you know that closing the deal and committing to the purchase is going...

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A young family with skis sitting in the snow. Smart Asset

3 min read

Using Taxability to Your Advantage: Making Smart Asset Choices

It’s hard to outrun the IRS, and it’s definitely not advisable to try. Learning that taxes are an...

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A black family with man and wife and kids hike on a forested trail. Trusts for Estate Planning

3 min read

Trusts for Estate Planning: Varying Types for Varying Goals

There’s a common misconception that trusts are only for the wealthy. In reality, all kinds of...

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Older parents share a home-cooked meal outside with their child and family. They discuss estate planning essentials of State and Federal Tax Laws.

4 min read

Estate Planning 101: What State and Federal Tax Laws Apply?

Estate planning isn’t something any of us can afford to put off. The future is entirely...

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Group of friends with skis and snowboards smile in front of a small wooden house. Capital gains rate.

3 min read

Capital Gains Rate Changes to Expect in 2023 and Beyond

Maybe 2023 is the year you finally sell your home and downsize to a condo at the beach. Maybe...

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A smiling retired couple goes for a new year’s day walk down a city street with lights after talking about their diversification strategy.

4 min read

What’s Your Diversification Strategy? (And Why It Matters)

There’s a good reason the proverb “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is so often used when...

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5 min read

How Education Savings Accounts Work (When Funds Aren’t Used)

One of the fun things about having young kids in your life is getting to hear about future plans...

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4 min read

Should You Preserve Your Wealth for Future Generations?

Everyone goes into meetings with their financial advisors with a unique set of circumstances and...

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4 min read

Consider This When Making Your Side Work Your Main Business

From selling your crafts on Etsy to taking on a few clients for professional consulting, running a...

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4 min read

Estate Planning Checklists for the Non-traditional Family

Once upon a time—when the legal code was being written—“family” was shorthand for a husband, his...

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