

4 min read

Legal Guardianship Decisions for Kids: What You Must Consider

Of all the decisions you make during theestate planning process, legal guardianship decisions are probably the ones with the highest stakes. Naming the person you would want to raise your child/ren if you died or were incapacitated is a choice that...

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A mother and father smile and walk behind a young child learning to ride a bicycle. Families, business and individuals may benefit from the 2024 Massachusetts tax relief law.

1 min read

Meaningful Massachusetts Tax Relief in 2024

The recently passed tax relief and reform package in Massachusetts is worth $1 billion and is...

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A restaurant owner and chef greets diners in his restaurant. Working with an accountant on restaurant industry best practices helps chefs like this run their business better.

3 min read

Essential Restaurant Accounting Practices for Thriving Restaurants

Given the thin profit margins and high failure rate of the restaurant industry, an owner needs to...

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A wedding party toasts a bride and groom at an outdoor reception. Newlywed couples should learn about the marriage tax penalty and how to plan for it.

3 min read

Marriage Tax Penalty: What High-Income Couples Need to Know

While every new marriage looks different, many newly-married couples have one thing in common:...

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An HSA, or healthcare savings account, can be a valuable tool to grow wealth and afford medical care in retirement.

4 min read

Are You Taking Full Advantage of an HSA as a Retirement Saving Tool?

Health savings accounts are prized by many for their short-term benefits. HSA contributions are...

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A dad teaches his young child to ride a bike.  She is smiling!  Investment vs. speculation

3 min read

Investment vs. Speculation: Understanding Key Differences and Strategies

Learning to invest is much like learning a new language. A lot of people understand enough about...

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A woman sits at her computer and considers navigating complex estate planning.

4 min read

Navigating Complex Estate Planning Questions and Choices

You’re making decisions about family, money and your own unpredictable future—so it’s hardly...

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A server delivering a meal to happy restaurant customers on Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday.

3 min read

How Restaurant Owners Can Maximize the Upcoming Tax Holiday

Massachusetts consumers are already making plans to maximize the upcoming sales tax holiday....

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More people are choosing to work past 65 like this woman drinking coffee at a work function. Medicare penalty.

5 min read

Working Past 65? Plan Ahead To Avoid a Medicare Penalty

If you’re nearing 65 and not ready to retire, you’re in good company. Currently, more than 10...

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A family laughing and playing soccer in their yard getting sprayed with a hose. Gifting stocks

4 min read

What Gifting Stocks Can Mean for Your Tax & Estate Plans

There are many scenarios in which it may make sense to give away assets (stocks, bonds, mutual...

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